Trunk Lineup
I have to cut off the back of the trunk anyways as it is a pile of rust inside between the outer skin and inner reinforcing. This is because when they built my car they wanted it to rust out in a few years so that it will be replaced sooner. A real shame to have such an awesome car with such a huge built in flaw. By the time I got it it was too late to do much more then total rebuild. As far as a convertible I would love to do that but there is no way I can make the chassis strong enough without starting from scratch with a tube chassis way too much work. Keep in mind the fiberglass is just the concept the real will be made in stainless and shaped more according to the original lines. If the car was mint rust free there is no way I would modify or change it. Now it has to be repaired so it is my canvas for a little creativity. Saved the old girl from the wrecker as it was not even road worthy on title when I purchased it. Rebuilt and safety done on it now.
Thank you and all the best,