New CF Hood!


New Member
hondagod_666 said:
looks ace, i've got a "money shot" of my carbon fiber hood lol. here it is,

i drive a DA though.
what did you do to clear coat your hood? step by step would be good. i've been wanting to do mine lately, its SLIGHTLY showing signs that its beginning to fade. did you sand it down a bit first?
again, the "Fading" i'm talkin about on mine is almost un-noticeable. i just wanna make sure it doesn't get too out of hand.

I am planning to get a CF hood, I am waiting until I get a garage though. :thumbs up


New Member
hondagod_666 said:
looks ace, i've got a "money shot" of my carbon fiber hood lol. here it is,

i drive a DA though.
what did you do to clear coat your hood? step by step would be good. i've been wanting to do mine lately, its SLIGHTLY showing signs that its beginning to fade. did you sand it down a bit first?
again, the "Fading" i'm talkin about on mine is almost un-noticeable. i just wanna make sure it doesn't get too out of hand.
the clear coat was simply sand it down then clear coated then buff it. it it should last longer and protects from the sun :)


Resident G2 Guru of C-I
thanks, i took that picture when i was out on a night photoshoot and got creative with my shots and played with some settings on my camera. i put it on the macro setting (extreme closeup) and that was the result i got. there were other settings i messed with too but that was the main thing i changed. i posted that pic on g2ic and a few days later, i was talkin to a buddy of mine on aol and he said that pic was his desktop background now lol.

thanks alot. BTW, original poster, i didn't mean to jack your thread. and thanks for the tip on clearcoating the hood. i might do that in a couple weeks. i've begun to strip my engine bay. today i took out my cruise control (cuz i never used it anyway) this weekend i'm probably gonna take out some other stuff. its gonna get a full "tuck" before long. i'm gonna wait to do all the MAJOR stuff for when i turbo the car and i've got the motor out. i'm gonna gut the bay and detail clean it. that way when i put the motor back in, 1) its gonna be clean as hell 2) the only stuff you will see will serve a definitive purpose (Power steering will be gone *dont worry i will do a manual rack conversion from a crx or something* A/C will probably be gone etc.) 3)it will have that "All Business" look to it. nothing there that doesn't have to be. i can't wait til this summer when i'm gonna be able to do all this.
