Need my Nicotine...

keep on ice

New Member
i started drinking and smoking at age 15 now im 19 and cant stop and then the ganga smoking cant stop i dont know why


Maybe you should keep your methods to yourself, don't turn the guy gay lol

It's really not that hard. It's just in your head. I quit smoking for a year cold turkey just to win a bet and it didn't bother me at all and I've smoked for almost 20 years. I started stealing cigarettes from my mom when I was 5 lol. Although I did start smoking again just because I really don't care too much, I'm not trying to quit.
^ i saw the "smoked for almost 20 years" and your age and it made me laugh


Not really. I'm alright with my habits. Smoking isn't a huge issue to me
it will be when i see you in the next "don't smoke" commercial.

that may be the only thing i'm afraid of. dying, not so much. living with a disability, yes.


Keep on Truckin
I quit smoking for a year cold turkey just to win a bet and it didn't bother me at all and I've smoked for almost 20 years[/QUOTE]

wow...i hope that was a good bet... honestly im just not a strong willed person when it comes to taking or depriving myself od something.... :(


Good luck! I tryed several times in the past, unsuccessfully. Then finally one day,I finished up a pack, and said to myself last damn pack I'ma buy. I bummed like, one more cigg two days later, and can say I quit. That was about 2 months before my birthday (august) and I smoked ONE newport on my birthday, just for the heck of it.

6 years, cold turkey.


Super Moderator
I'm going to smoke a cigarette. Anyone want to join me?

sorry, that was just


Worst part to me is smelling smoke and seeing others smoke. I never really had cravings like OMG I NEED A CIGG NOW. I do miss the taste of menthol.


Unregistered User
<never smoked.

I don't see a reason for it. I watched a girl this summer go from "I'm just using it to relieve stress, I promise I won't get addicted" to "I'm so fucking stressed out, I NEED a cigarette."

Personally, I think it's a disgusting habit. Find better ways to deal with your stress if that's your reason.

I've heard of people just keeping candy around and every time they get a craving, just eat the candy instead.

I do sunflower seeds instead of a bunch of junk food. that might work too.