this is day #2 of my "quit smoking" thing and i feel fucking nauseous. my head's been aching really bad, too. i got up to a little over 30 days last time and ended up smoking again because i was having a really shitty day. dumbest idea ever! now i get to go through the withdrawals again...
have fun. lol i don't know how it is with chewing because i've never done that, but with smoking, when the urge hits, just rough it out for the 5-10 minutes that they last and keep your goal in mind. it gets REALLY bad, but it'll subside. yesterday wasn't too bad, but today just plain sucks. i want to vomit or just sleep. LOL very sexy. i feel fucking lethargic.
1) find motivation to quit and let people know, so they can give you shit if they catch you smoking pride is big in our house.
2) youtube that smoking commercial where the old lady has a hole in her neck. if that doesn't make you want to at least try to stop, then nothing will.
3) think about that oxygen tank you're guaranteed if you keep on smoking and how fun it'll be lugging it around.
4) chew, drink, or suck on something when you're craving.
^^ i don't know. that's as far as i've gotten today. i really want to smoke.
baby steps, i guess.