n00b, lulz.


New Member
I was under the impression that the panhandle was florida but your tags are Cali..lol which one of us is the incorrect n00b? :p

Nice whip though man, it looks cleaaaaan

You should put the a/f gauge somewhere cleaner tho..
I disagree with Coy.

You need to throw that piece of crap out and get a wide band o2. That narrow band doesn't do shit but blink at you. Then you need to put the wide band gauge somewhere cleaner and properly mount the control unit out of sight.

Also, please type in something resembling standard English. You won't get respect around here for being "Mad JDM tyte, yo!". You'll get laughed at and your input disregarded.

Aside from that, Welcome.


New Member
Originally Posted by Cheesenip


for a guy with such a nice integra you sure make yourself seem like a douche
