My Trooper Build Thread


New Member
Got to go wheelin on some legit trails this weekend, the Trooper was all over it!!!

Cell phone pics, sorry bout the quality but you get the idea.

I had this bitch up over the wheels & I didn't have a single problem...


New Member
sweet, we just went out at lunch time :)
Yeah, I haven't done too much muddin so I'm fairly new at it, but man this shit's fun!

make sure you clean that underbody good! baked clay/dirt is no fun...
For sure. the first time I took it out I didn't get underneath in the front real well & a frozen chunk of mud got hung up in there & I thought I siezed the front diff!:shock:


I <3 2.4l's
Parts are kinda hard to find for those things. It didn't need anything major, just a bunch of little things.


New Member
Parts are kinda hard to find for those things. It didn't need anything major, just a bunch of little things.
I'm starting to find that out... I have a buddy at work that has a Rodeo & he said he wants to sell it because it's been a pia trying to find parts. Especially cuz mine's an '87...:roll:


New Member
So I went wheelin two weeks ago Saturday & got stuck like Chuck!!! I couldn't find anyone to tow me out so The Trooper sat there til Wednesday. Luckily I didn't really do any damage to the engine even though it sat in the water for five days!

Had a guy try to help me on Monday with two different trucks & they both got stuck...

click for video...

he went & got his bigger truck & that thing failed hard core...

click for video...

On wednesday I had a friend of a friend bing a real trail rig out & got me out no problem & I was able to drive thru all this heavy s*** with no problem!!

click for video... the recovery process

click for video...

the aftermath...

So I went out today & scored this off craigslist for $160... Not gettin stuck like that again EVER!!!:roll: