my si

Alexs GSR

bumblebee & killer bee
Nice, I just don't get why Honda didn't put the coupe bumper on it considering 3 grilles imo look better than 1 big one :what:


New Member
Kev_98IntegraLS said:
very nice... my dad wants one with the same color but my fams broke.. lol i wish i had an Si

so whos the better driver?
haha well I use more caution. he's been driving a stick a little longer then I have though. soo it's up to you


>>>Honda Enthusiast<<<
si, si, muy bien :p ... lol spanish 1,2,3 mang.

now get some new kicks or drop it :thumbup:


a.k.a. crabs!
Aussie said:
Nice pics but oh how gay those newer PA plates look, never liked them.
lol theyve been like that for years now. they look 10 times better than the old ones IMO which i believe were all dark blue with yellow letters. looked nasty. these at least look a bit cleaner being mostly white

but anyways... nice si... i prefer the coupe though. still clean 8)


New Member
the old plates were ugly.. I forgot all about those... some states are worse then pa's...

I need to get a new plate frame.. mine sucks!!!


Yea thats what I meant old plates new plates whatever :eek:k: But yea the new ones do blend in better. Oh and that wasn't that long ago, damn now I feel old.


New Member
keeping it stock until the warranty runs out... I wanna change the lip, light window tint, and not really sure what else I want done.