how you likin that cpillar bar?think i've seen your car a few times at DVC in San ramon.. clean type r!! i have the pearl white dc5 with the gold rotas
how you likin that cpillar bar?think i've seen your car a few times at DVC in San ramon.. clean type r!! i have the pearl white dc5 with the gold rotas
my friends selling his motor and tranny out of his usdm 96 ITR. let me kno if you want it. its better than buying a whole new car imo.I love it. Phoenix Yellow is the best color for an ITR imo. I am thinking about selling my car and buying one.
i am so honored that you would make that comparisondude if your car was a chic it would equivalent to like megan fox =) sexy
Well homie is right your ride is hotter then Hue Heffner's playmates making out in the playboy mansions hot tub, your car is FIRE. ur cAr'S LIKE THA YELLOW BRICK ROADi am so honored that you would make that comparison
thank you... ill keep yall posted on how the builds goin. this is only the tip of the ice berg.
Well homie is right your ride is hotter then Hue Heffner's playmates making out in the playboy mansions hot tub, your car is FIRE. ur cAr'S LIKE THA YELLOW BRICK ROAD
I wouldn't bother. Car's great.thanks, im thinkin bout doing a very simple wire tuck. i dont want to get rid my my power steering, a/c or abs tho.
If it's extremely filthy, find some denatured alcohol and use it. Make sure you wax it right after and you'll see a huge difference. It's not as messy as using Simple Green and it works one hell of a lot faster with less effort.The under part of the hood makes me really jealous. Mine is beyond dirty. I think I am going to get some simple green for my detail when I'm off and spend a couple hours under my hood. lol Nice pics btw...
thanks man.sexy, its definately in my top 5