My new Carbon Fiber Gurney Flap


New Member
i've had the "gourney flap" for 3 years now. everybody wanted a piece of it, so someone finally came to the plate to duplicate them.

and i have no idea what your saying about she is 20


a.k.a. crabs!
i kind of like it in a way... but im still undecided.

also someone beat me to it when they said youre a carbon fiber whore lol


New Member
i've had the "gourney flap" for 3 years now. everybody wanted a piece of it, so someone finally came to the plate to duplicate them.

and i have no idea what your saying about she is 20
I hit an extra key. I was saying the guy that reproduced them was only having 20 made. I'm not posative on this though.


Raceline USA
It doesn't look that bad from far away. Guess it takes time getting used to. Does it actually help with aerodynamics or is it just for looks? Wind tunnel tested?


New Member
mine has been wind tunnel tested through Crowhouse, but his is not, his was just duplicated, so i cannot vouch for it,

i go to the track, but i don't go fast enough to see if it actually does anything though


New Member
don't really like the way it looks but like they say, a fad has to start somewhere and im sure we're going to be seeing these around more. nice R btw.


New Member
mine has been wind tunnel tested through Crowhouse, but his is not, his was just duplicated, so i cannot vouch for it,

i go to the track, but i don't go fast enough to see if it actually does anything though
I would say that it is since its the identical to the crowhouse(i think they used a CH to make the mold). I think the only different is mine weighs less.


New Member
i agree its identical, but anything duplicated doesn't mean its been tested, all he did was put a mold around it. and refined it.

its like making the oem optional in cf, how do they make it? you sandwich it with a mold. you have to make a cavity first