My Integra won't start


New Member
I parked car it was running fine went out the next day an it would not start. battery is good put a new starter on it and a new main relay, still wont start. Any ideas
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New Member
Need more description of what is happening. First check for spark and fuel and let us know in more detail of the symptoms.


(╯°□°)╯ ლ(ಠ_ಠ ლ)
Mine didnt start either. Found out my timing belt snapped.. But this was while i was driving,...... Moar details


New Member
have to push the clutch in first to start it! haha just playing....def need more about check grounds and for blown fuses/relays?


New Member
If its turning.g over check knock sensor depending on if it has one check crank sensor. Seen. Other of those short out and cause that from a bad ground or rubbing wire. If u have fuel no fire check ignition control module I even had my district shaft get so tight I could turn the car over but wasn't enough to fire. There's just to many things it could be, with out any more info we r useless to u


New Member
I had the same problem with mine. Just bought it a few days ago, went in it to go get my tags, and it turns but it wont ignite. I jumped it off to see if it was the battery, at first it wasn't starting up then finally got it to fire up. So then I figured it was just the battery. Well I let it run for a good solid 10-15 min to make sure the alternator charges the battery enough. I cut it off, not even a minute later I go to crank it back up to see if it was good to go, started up, them the RPM just went to 0 and cut off. Then it wouldn't even try to ignite after that; Jumped it off yet again and let it run some more. As of right now it seems to be doing decent after hours of working/ trying to figure out wtf is wrong. Stopped messing with it cause of the rain, so tomorrow I'll see if it cranks right up.


New Member
main relay might be out if i park my car some times in the sun my wont start either but after that i replaced it about 40 dollars at a autoparts store but then my iacu went out again so i have t ride wit it disconected so it could be that try unhooking your iacu vac and give it try but your check engine light will come on but that what i did