my GSR is stolen


Freedom through Jesus
I got a call from police, my car was found in santa ana, completely ripped.

I went to towing company where my car is located but was told i can not see my car until detective takes finger print and release a car. The fee now is $290, and each day, it will cost me $50.

I havent registerd this car yet, but dmv has my name. I was instructed to transfer the title so i can pick up a car.

Is there anyway to release this car title so i dont pay any fee?

I do not know the current condition of my car.
Wow, that's horrible! They find your car and want to charge you to get it out... that seems so unfair.
I hope they find some prints and catch these bastards, keep your eye out on Craigslist and Honda-Tech.


New Member
IF you went for it the same day they found your car, you can fight them and not have to pay anything.


New Member
That sucks man, I've been there. I hope you have full coverage so you can at least pick up another ride soon unless you plan on resurrecting it.
