My DC2, just wanted to share the beauty.


New Member
Yep she's still in the garage waiting for summer to come around to come out, the old lady i bought it from kept her in excellent condition, everything is still original. The leather for both front and back seats are like brand new like no ones ever sat in them, but she looks dirtay to me i want to do a deep detailing when it gets warm out.


New Member
Yep she's still in the garage waiting for summer to come around to come out, the old lady i bought it from kept her in excellent condition, everything is still original. The leather for both front and back seats are like brand new like no ones ever sat in them, but she looks dirtay to me i want to do a deep detailing when it gets warm out.
Check the sig ;)


New Member
I've got a 92 civic ex 4dr it's my beater lol, i've got some stuff for detailing but i might need more tips on what to buy and i want to get a buffer or some sort.


New Member
Yea, feel free to Pm me if you have any questions on anything. Dual action buffers. Rotary buffers will burn your paint. A DA buffer is where its at. Like the PC 7424XP. meguiars orbital, griots garage orbital.
