My DC2 Integra


Hey guys my name is Jake. About a month ago I picked up my GSR for right around 4700. It has a fantastic history. I'm the fourth owner and for the first 10 and a half years a little old lady owned. I honestly think it cracked VTEC once or twice during her ownership. Sadly after that it went to her grandson and he beat on it rather hard. His mods done to it were Apex'i worldsport2 axle back exhaust, a specter short ram, tokico white gas shocks in the rear, and unknown free floating adjustable coil over sleeves on front (blue springs). The exhaust for what it is doesn't sound to bad. Anyways after that it went to a Honda enthusiast soldier who took great care of it. Then to me :D. Itl pulls like a monster. I absolutely love the car. It's also worthy of note to say my brothers been on this site for a little while. Parkourdemon for those who know him. I'm looking toward to being a part of this community. I've heard good things from him. Now pictures!

Before anyone gets to me on it those plates aren't real in the least lol. I carry old ones in the car :p.
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Rattle Can Technician
welcome aboard, bring it back to its former glory, looks like its seen better day


New Member
Needs alittle love but looks like a good base to start with. Seems like the dude used some quality parts except for the springs. Might want to get those replaced. Welcome.


Captain Obvious
Nice teg bro'.
probably should do all the basic maint stuff, timing belt water pump etc, if it hasn't already been done :p



Yeah I actually use to work in exterior detail and my old boss is going to do the touch work for almost nothing. On top of that there's condensation in the headlights so I'm just going to replace those with black bezel halo projectors.


Yeah even though the exhaust is only axle back it does have rather nice rumble too it. As for the springs they'll be replaced with TEIN's in June or sooner.


Yeah you shut up! I don't even want those memories lol.