my 92 teg stalls when warm


you can always adjust your throttle cable a little tighter always making it idle higher for a little bit. thats a temporary solution though.


New Member
yeah i did that... it helped my acceleration alot. it made it alot more responsive. i'm gonna start a build thread soon just waiting for better weather to work on the car.


New Member
nice build so far on ur teg lsjdmteg.... how long did it take you to remove the interior of the car?


New Member
so i thought the stalling stopped but it still does, it's just not as frequent, my base idle if at 700-800 and my iacv is cleaned, there's no check engine light and there never has been. it feels like its either not getting enough fuel, or not sufficient spark or maybe not enough air although at night the car drives very well with lots of power. it hasn't stalled because i won't let it.... i just give it gas and keep the rpm at about 1500 for 30 secs, and when i let off the gas slowly the idle is seems to level out at 750. i'm running out of idea's as to what could be causing this problem.