My 4th and Final Integra


the lone outdoorsman
11k is an awesome deal! Someone is trying to sell some unregisterable jdm pos on HT for 16k


lol...i saw that can import a skyline for that much...btw did you see his yard...full of crx's lol


>>>Honda Enthusiast<<<
karr trax.....? more info please!!?
ill have to ask my fellow former co-worker. when his 2000 gsr got stolen and taken to mexico... he got super paranoid and installed this gps tracking system on his new beamer. our parking garage was shaking [ at my old work place ] and it notified him the instant it happened. i'll ask him again when i get the chance.

btw the 2000 gsr had lowjack upgraded with this package... it was basically a scam, it was suppose to have this service that calls/email him when something irregular is with the car... lowjack didn't even know the car was missing... :thumbdown