No plans yet. I wouldn't mind lowering it and tinting the windows to start out with. But first off is change the oil and filter, change the air filter, change the transmission fluid, change power steering fluid, bleed the brakes, get new rotors and pads front and rear, replace spark plugs, wires, cap, and rotor, and possibly install a trailer hitch. Its basically just maintenance. I noticed it will smoke a little bit at higher rpm (~5K) out of the exhaust so I'm hoping an oil change will cure that.
Also, I drove it a couple days ago and noticed that when the seat belts are attached that the car still beeps and the seat belt light is on. (I think there is a seat belt light right?)
-And the carpet...I'm always willing to try and do it myself. So, how exactly do you lay carpet? I was told you have to cut it and sew it at every place it bends...but i'm not sure on that. I would have guessed heating it up that way it would stay in the same place.
Any ideas?