Looks more like a Mugen gen 2 wing to that the Bomex spoiler?
If it is a Mugen, is it real?
Looks more like a Mugen gen 2 wing to that the Bomex spoiler?
Nice! Are those CE28's?My Ho got her bowlegged pigeon toed a$$ straightened out after some new shoes were put on. Now she's all straightened out and ready to be put back out on the streets!
I woulda pushed in the clutch killed the engine and let the throttle body stay shut and coast thru it like a 4wd lolLovely aint it? Cant catch a damn break, haha.... s*** was a block away from home. Hydrock like a motherf***er. Happened instantly, was hardly any water on the road, then all the sudden there was a s*** load. Couldnt merge, couldnt stop without getting annihilated by an suv.... sounded like a tank, then luckily was able to pull off into a widr driveway..was gonna pull the plugs and crank it out. Then saw the lovely hole, crankin aint gonna help that b****! Lol.... needless to say, im pretty f***in thrilled.