MightyMouse Lets see that type R


8urcivic said:
i wasnt making fun....its the pic on his profile. i havnt even heard that he has an r.
I know, I was just playing around, I just love how welcomed we make some people feel:lol:


New Member
Ow krap.....lol I didnt even know this post was up. You guys are crazy and SILLY, but anywho yea i'll put em up my man even though its 1:32 Am....I will just go outside and take em now! Under the bright moon sky, wondeful lighting..(In the dark).>>But really Yea i'll put em up..And thanks for calling me out> I feel like a G, got a post about me and Shi*.....

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New Member
IntegrasAreBest said:
guys guys guys he's not going to respond he's busy sucking dick to get that R before the meet.:lol:
iight, just to get this str8, NO I am NOT 22, YES I am a HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR, If my age matters to you guys that much im 17!!! NO- I dont have 4 tegs any more only 3,---I have sold 1 well actually 2, but one was sold because I totalled it and the other was sold for parts.For the info---(Rain Check) The Type-R is my cousin's, Chicago, Illinois 2000 and its for sell if you want one!....Getting a tad bit, sick of folks(ONLINE) talken all that bull, about me and my cars. If you wanna see em, just ask---Coulda PM-ed me and I woulda been glad to show you> So there it is, ill get em up soon and thanks for the hospitality! Guys I love it>>>
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
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Ominous G2

I see an auto cluster, only going 110.

Nobody cares if you dont have an ITR. I dont have one either, not saying I never will.
If I do, it better be a 97


New Member
Not good with this image stuff, so I hope this works here are a few, I will update when the Sun comes up! Its 2:25 Am!

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^ i'm guessing the two last ones are the ones that are gone.

lol i like how you managed to drive both tegs out to a parking lot at this hour just to snap a few pics for everybody.


New Member
G3GirL said:
^ i'm guessing the two last ones are the ones that are gone.

lol i like how you managed to drive both tegs out to a parking lot at this hour just to snap a few pics for everybody.
No way its prob, freezing outside, those picts are all very old! Atleast by 6 months. We took those at walmart around November>


Interesting. I guess I assumed that, since you said something about going outside to take them a couple posts back.


I <3 my Neon
what cheesnip said! lol i can post pics of different cars, dont mean their mine though.... lol! i wanna see some proof, seems to me like you talked yourself up quite a bit and now you cant back it up.


I ♥ My Integra
G3GirL said:
Interesting. I guess I assumed that, since you said something about going outside to take them a couple posts back.
X2 just post pics with like a sign saying its you or something.