New Member
Basically after on and off work on this 00 gsr found that the filter baskets were causing power issues.( after checking: tb, tps, map, cat, pump, compression, and valve adjustment) We removed them reinstalled the injectors and fixed the problem.
I would like to replace the injector baskets but a reputable tech I consult says their isn't a need because there in allready 2 filters on the car. And he installs injectors without them anyway.
My concern is that will my mpg decrease without the filters or cause my injectors to prematurely go bad?
I would like to replace the injector baskets but a reputable tech I consult says their isn't a need because there in allready 2 filters on the car. And he installs injectors without them anyway.
My concern is that will my mpg decrease without the filters or cause my injectors to prematurely go bad?