Micro filter basket!


New Member
Basically after on and off work on this 00 gsr found that the filter baskets were causing power issues.( after checking: tb, tps, map, cat, pump, compression, and valve adjustment) We removed them reinstalled the injectors and fixed the problem.

I would like to replace the injector baskets but a reputable tech I consult says their isn't a need because there in allready 2 filters on the car. And he installs injectors without them anyway.

My concern is that will my mpg decrease without the filters or cause my injectors to prematurely go bad?



Not a M0derator
Was there sh!t in there? You can clean them out with brake cleaner and reinstall.
I noticed that you didn't mention the FUEL FILTER was replaced which seems logical to me if you suspected the fuel injectors.

And just because you CAN install something improperly and it works doesn't mean it will work as well or as long. Does that tech inspect those fuel injectors after 100k miles? No. He doesn't, nor is he held responsible. So tell him to shove his corner cutting. I'd say short term its fine but Id replace or clean them and reinstall. They are there to prevent debris from clogging the injector.


New Member
Was there sh!t in there? You can clean them out with brake cleaner and reinstall.
I noticed that you didn't mention the FUEL FILTER was replaced which seems logical to me if you suspected the fuel injectors.

And just because you CAN install something improperly and it works doesn't mean it will work as well or as long. Does that tech inspect those fuel injectors after 100k miles? No. He doesn't, nor is he held responsible. So tell him to shove his corner cutting. I'd say short term its fine but Id replace or clean them and reinstall. They are there to prevent debris from clogging the injector.
My mistake, plugs, wires, fuel filter,and o2 sensors replaced. Prior to checking everything else to narrow down the problem.

I figured it was weird I thought he said that.


New Member
Is this tech ASE (Ask Someone Else) certified? Most people who are mechanics for a living as actually the worst people to go to. They cut corners and rig shit up constantly. Race shops are who you want to trust. Successful ones that is.
