ls vtec with ls tranny?


Suck in what way? You should be fine.

Also, has your signature always done that? I just now noticed the wheels changing. I'm not sure if thats my dialup finally loading that or if you changed it lol.


New Member
i had an lsvtec with an ls tranny..... just took me for ever to shift since the gears were so long

haha the changing wheels sig is kinda cool btw

WAR 178

Premium User
I ran my JDM GSR with my LS tranny for 2 years and loved it! I just put in a JDM GSR trans like 2-3 weeks ago lol.
You can put whatever 5spd trans (B16,Ls,GSR,Type-R)...Vtec kicks in according to the RPMs and a/f mixture... also oil pressure are the keys to feeling/hearing the Tec kick in It depends on your driving pref as far as your tranny goes.
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Suck in what way? You should be fine.

Also, has your signature always done that? I just now noticed the wheels changing. I'm not sure if thats my dialup finally loading that or if you changed it lol.
its not your dial up man, i changed it. lol


add water to rice
i have the same set up 1st threw third is great but when ya hit fifth like was said its taller gear takes lil longer and less feal of power in higher gears but will be a big feel in differance than stock non vtec works great with turbos