LS-V Idle issue


Not a M0derator
No. but that could be caused by all the monkeying you did with the idle screw and throttle cable. If it didn't idle high before, it shouldn't idle high now. And your tuner shouldn't charge you for another full tune. this is just idle. Usually tuners would charge per hour for that. No dyno required. Could even do it remotely if you had a wideband.


Yea 2-3000 is too high. S2 pro 2s idle fine, however from what I know they're tricky to get right if you're not used to working with them.

My motor idled at 1200 with buddy club 4s. 1800 when cold, just an example.


New Member
Lets back up for a second. When you first got the car back from them and the tuner it was running fine and now its suddenly giving you issues?


New Member
When I got the car back from the tuner from what I can remember it was doing ok. A few days after the tune it starter acting up as if there was a huge vacuum leak. Idle fluctuating and stalling. Then, a few days after that it didnt do it anymore. That was back around June.

Now its doing the exact same thing.

I drove the car to work yeasterday at 5p. The idle was at 3k when I first cranked it and went to work. Once it got hot, it stayed at around 1000-1300. When my shift was over at 10p and left to go home I started the car and it idled at 2k. On my way home it started doing its fluctuating thing again and trying to stall on me.


Most likely the tune I have pro 1s and my first tune from someone it wouldn't idle and die. Took it to a reputable place and it's good. It does take some knowledge as a tuner to get those to idle right


New Member
Hopefully that's just the problem... Does that mean that from the time of the tune and now, the engine has just been compensating? It just confuses me that it did this before and then quit. I'm gonna talk to the tuner today and see if he can schedule me in. RLZ in NC is the shop, Howard is the tuner. I've heard that he is a very good Honda tuner.


Not a M0derator
Howard is an excellent tuner. Something has changed to cause this.
