lowering by cutting springs

For those of you who answered my question thank you. For the rest of you who attempted to talk down to me, well ill leave that alone.
Everyone isn't talking down to you. They're just trying to help you out and keep you from making a mistake that could be dangerous. Cutting springs is not the cheaper alternative to lowering springs or coilovers, it is the dangerous alternative.


db1 is love
Everyone isn't talking down to you. They're just trying to help you out and keep you from making a mistake that could be dangerous. Cutting springs is not the cheaper alternative to lowering springs or coilovers, it is the dangerous alternative.

Dustin P.

Just on Craigslist and search. I've been finding some good deals. Going to pick a set up of Tein springs today for $35.

And Wow! The guy was just asking a question if you don't like the thread then don't comment in it.
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New Member
I have my old springs forsale. Check my threads.

75$ shipped

only problem is I don't have access to them until April since they're locked in my grandfathers garage and he's out of state until then.


New Member
I'm rolling stock for now. I'm happy with it... Until I get some good coils.

It might seem a cheap way now, but you might ruin your car in different ways. By cutting the springs you might damage more parts making you waste even more money.


New Member
Why learn how to do something wrong? Theres no point to cutting springs. but making your car look bad and people not take you seriously. Not only is it unsafe it really is hard on your car... Not trying to tell you your wrong
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