Launching at the track


i have two of the motor mount inserts in my car i can launch at 5500 with no problem but i tend to launch at 3000-3500 thats wat i've gotten the best results with anything higher and i just spin the tires thru second it sucks


New Member
Well when I was all motor I was feathering the car out at 4500-5000. Now I"m pretty much just using my launch limiter from the Hondata and it's set at 5000.


New Member
anybody have experience with the integra engine dampers?


New Member
teggyls said:
i have two of the motor mount inserts in my car i can launch at 5500 with no problem but i tend to launch at 3000-3500 thats wat i've gotten the best results with anything higher and i just spin the tires thru second it sucks
same here it sux even more if u have a flywheel to sensative to wheel spin


ya thats y i decided against gettting a flywheel that light i know i would have alot of trouble with it but i still gotta get my last mount installed and im probably going to get an engine damper and see what i do from there im thinking about getting my header for christmas too


New Member
I usually slip the clutch at @ 4K and then dump at the end. my best time so far is a 15.8. Not bad for an SE