The Acura/Honda is a little weird. The tall shifters actually serve a purpose. The closer distance from the steering wheel to the shifter results in quicker shifting.Nice car.. my only WTF's are
1. Honda/Acura
2. Crazy ass tall shifters.
the honda acura thing has been fixed since then, now its all honda. yeah i love my fastline shifter honestly it makes my car so much fun to drive every day, plus its comfortable like matt said you dont have to reach all the way down to shift all the time. plus did i mention the throw is still as short as stock and the hieght did not affect the throw. harnesses would be sick, i might get the type r srs steering wheel from japan, i want to keep my airbag. just need that baffled oil pan now witch i should be getting welded up soon now that my cousen has a miller tig welder!!!The Acura/Honda is a little weird. The tall shifters actually serve a purpose. The closer distance from the steering wheel to the shifter results in quicker shifting.
really damn! thats not even that far from me let me know next time your going to the snake.Yeah Little Tujunga is nice. The Snake is my home touge, I go at least once a week!I'll try to make it to the run on the 21st