JDM_Conv3rsion's 18th birthday!!!!!


07 BMW 328Xi
Kuchtaboy said:
lol, sorry man.. I tried to not use the 3 for once. lol, I'll get it, don't you worry!

and did you call me your lover? thats fucked up!. lol, are you sure your not tipsy yet...? lol
i called timmy your lover. don't get any ideas bout me cause i dont swing that way.
my girl left me at home to setup the party and its been 2 hours. im going crazy. home alone.


07 BMW 328Xi
haha thanks. now trinh and kuchta can't make fun of me anymore! it's like a new beginning!

okay enough of being sentimental. screw you guys and your small balls. have a nice night.


07 BMW 328Xi
1T |V|4|<3$ |V|3 F33|_ B3TT3|2 ! haha.

hey dont try to take away my burfday gift! :nono:

dammit still waiting for my girl to call, so i can go get crunk! :alcoholic :alcoholic :alcoholic


07 BMW 328Xi
lol that's true. but that's okay since i never cared much about the 3. because it was an outcast when i had to sign into the forum.


Super Moderator
I can't remember the last time I had to sign in. My name is kinda hard to type quickly and consistently.....that's why I check the remember me box :thumbs up


07 BMW 328Xi
well im usually not home so i have to type in my username over and over. but i've gotten use to it.

trying to whore up this thread before the day is over! :x