Introducing my DA


New Member
ok guys, going to finally have some updates for you very soon. My car recently got a heart transplant, pictures will be up by this weekend, car is getting a 2000 JDM b20b motor and a YS1 gsr cable transmission along with a stage 1 exedy clutch and 8lb fidanza fywheel. Should be a fun set up. Pics of swap will be up when it is complete. Got some new 1 piece headlights too
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New Member
That is one fukn sexy ass da I had the same offset on my da to rubed really crazy took a chunk of my tires so I riped some guy off n traded them for his volk te37


New Member
what tire size do you have on the purple rims? are the 205/50/15? i plan on getting a set of those rims, just wondering what tire size i should get
btw im in love with your car


Raceline USA
Why didn't you go with a Y80 hydro transmission?


New Member
Cool well i am back got photo's but my computer is toast i am using a friends at my house until i get mined rebuild, sorry can't get photo's of my 94 Acura because i can't get the disk in the dvd/cd writter on there computer so it's wait a little longer


New Member
alright guys, sorry it took so long to update, but finally got around to getting the moldings painted black, putting my hood bra back on, installed front and rear mud flaps, new 1 piece headlights, jdm b20b swap is in with b16 cable lsd trans, also raised up the car a bit (gonna be a dad soon, cant ride too low) and put some mugen mr5's on



I Love My Toyota.
i like it, looks very clean but i agree, i prefer the sportmax look better but i understand where your coming from. after i sold my work equip reps and got sport max, the comfort level of driving it just went down the shitter lol.


New Member
Trade the mugens for some slipz yo
lol, but forreal i want some spoons or regas now

i like it, looks very clean but i agree, i prefer the sportmax look better but i understand where your coming from. after i sold my work equip reps and got sport max, the comfort level of driving it just went down the shitter lol.
i just didnt think it'd be practical driving a baby around in a car thats 1/2" off the ground, maybe i'll buy some new barrels for the mr5s and give them like a 2 inch lip or something


New Member
It seems that people like the junkmaxes more because they were low offset and had a big lip. They mugens would look nice with a nice refinish. Regas are nice but they are just as played out as slipstreams lol, keep the mugens