Integra LS Turbo Vs. SRT-4


Super Registered User
8urcivic said:
true...its an outstanding car......but at the end of the day...its still a neon.
and that is the reason i don't own one.. i personally don't like the look.. and plus.. its a domestic... i can't be seen owning one...


Unregistered User
^^ He can't have one cause he's azn. lol

it was a pretty close race! and you said it was all stock? I don't remember, but that teg's got some money into it. Props to the srt!


I ♥ My Integra
yeah but it was an LS motor which is what impressed me. like i said the neons are starting to grow on me but i would never own one i personally dont like them but anything that has turbo is nice. Also because its a domestic. i just love jap cars.