Infant Murdered For Knocking Over XBOX360


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Kuchtaboy said:
lol, yeah, but he's gone. I thought OBD made fun of me before, but It was G2teg... sorry obd, I'll change it. lol
your kevins boyfriend so why dont you go rape him lol dude should rot in hell and who throws a cat out a window


Unregistered User
^^ X2, My buddy plays with the cords cause he lost the charger for his wireless. lol

g2teg said:
your kevins boyfriend so why dont you go rape him lol dude should rot in hell and who throws a cat out a window
lol, wtf? I thought you were the gay one. You cant use that come back! lol


acurals209 said:
dammm i tought i was bad when i was mad when the lakers were loosing and i trew the cat out the window(window was open) i felt really bad after that
you SHOULD feel bad for that shit. mean.


New Member
Wow, I'm shocked that someone would go that far to punch a baby in the head then throw it. I hope all the bad things in life happen to him and only him. That cat thing though, thats just hilarious since he lived if he died then it wouldn't be funny.


Unregistered User
lol, I'm still picturing a cat flying out the window... lol, kind of reminds me of that video when the cat jumps onto the ceiling fan! lol