I'm looking for a new logo


type-s and the RS
Do you need a logo for a sticker or just for the web? I might give it a go. Any color preferences?
kind of something that could be all three. logo, sticker, banner.But it doesn't have to work as all 3. Really what I'm looking for is more ideas. i have done a couple but nothing. I'm 100% on. Colors I'm not set on either but i fined myself doing it red/black/white a lot
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type-s and the RS
I may be doing some Solo II in August, if you wanna come out. A club that races together, stays together. We all got homo love for the core Nor Cal group. Joe, Dylan, Thadya, and myself. We're all solid people that do what we say, although we may be late, we still make it happen for each other and always push each other to do more, faster
That's sounds dope to me. I'm always down to kick with chill ppl who owned/own tegs.
FYU esca is a great place to get a lot of seat time for cheap, It's like $20 buck to be a member for a year and
$30 each track event you do. super cheap, Just far. I would say a least 7-10 runs.


type-s and the RS
Santa Rosa ca way up nor cal. I didn't see any events in Stockton next month


type-s and the RS
ya it's really not that far a couple of buddys drive up from Fairfield it not that bad of a drive. My uncle retired in lake county It's a dope drive out there.