I want to go back to school, but I can't decide.


B18TEG said:
just go with whatever you feel is right, something youve liked since you were a little kid that hasnt changed. whether its animals, kids, art, w/e . . .. . just do the damn thing. you cant always get the best of both worlds, you have to sacrifice either pay or happiness
I've always liked makeup (applying it on people and what not) and all that girly stuff, but after I got my license, it changed. I found out that I like doing makeup and skincare, just not on other people as much. I don't know. If shit doesn't work out, I might just have to do that since I've spent money and time on it. I'd be happy doing strictly skincare and makeup, but I've found that a lot of the places out there require doing all areas of esthetics.

Looked more into the earnings for teachers:
Median annual earnings of kindergarten, elementary, middle, and secondary school teachers ranged from $41,400 to $45,920 in May 2004; the lowest 10 percent earned $26,730 to $31,180; the top 10 percent earned $66,240 to $71,370. Median earnings for preschool teachers were $20,980
I was really leaning towards teaching preschoolers. That might be out of the question now.

If I wasn't so squeamish when it comes to injuries, blood, and what not, I'd consider going into nursing or entertaining the doctor idea, but that's definitely not for me. I've considered being a veterinarian because I like animals, but I have the same problem there. It makes me really sad seeing animals hurt, too. Hahah I'm just gay like that, but whatever. Plus I could never put an animal down.

Right now I'm looking into Radiology. I hear the pay's alright, but I have to find out more. Will update.

teg9five said:
just dont think about money. think of something you would like to do for free kind of. like if you never had to work... what would you do as a hobby to keep yourself occupied all day? thats what you should do for a career then. money isnt everything. itll buy you all kinds of shit but personally i would rather enjoy getting up and going to work everyday then to absolutely hate it and make an extra $30k a year as a doctor or something.
See, that was my thought at first. I understand what you're saying. I want to like what I do, too. I mean, if I like what I'm doing, it should be enough, right? Then I think about my bills and stuff. All the shit I want to do, like buy a house, fix up the teg, etc. A bag of smiles and happiness isn't gonna get me my parts or a paint job, let alone a house. lol AHHHHHHHHHH! I'm so stressed. I don't know. I've been thinking about all this for the past week and I'm still not able to come up with anything. I mean I've eliminated some of the choices, but there are so many more out there that I just haven't even thought about, yet. :???: See, I'm not looking to become rich by any means (although it sure would be nice!). I'm looking for financial stability at a job I don't mind waking up to go to. I wouldn't mind being "well off" either. There has to be SOMETHING out there...


teg9five said:
i see myself more as the "pimp". i'd pimp you and moho out, but it'd probably cost me more to get you all cleaned up and STD-free.


Honda / Acura Fanatic
MoJoJoJo said:
yea u do, my gf was going for it til last month she's going for pharm now, she's a junior at UH....cant wait til she finish and go to med school so i can free load of her


^ fo reals ....lol i'll live on the wife's money and spend my money that i earn to make trinh's life a living hell


stay on topic, skanks! this is a VERY important topic. i don't know wtf to do. boo.


the lone outdoorsman
MidniteFreedom said:
hahah well where i live heald is like only 15miles away. i think my sis taking some other program busniess school i dont think she taking Business Software Applications Associates Degree.
they dont offer that program no more lol .... but anyways alll their programs are garbage .... my friends here in town that also went and graduated same as me work at the golf course now making close to min wage.


^ yeah, that's what i'm thinking. it doesn't look like it's gonna pay too well, either.