I've always liked makeup (applying it on people and what not) and all that girly stuff, but after I got my license, it changed. I found out that I like doing makeup and skincare, just not on other people as much. I don't know. If shit doesn't work out, I might just have to do that since I've spent money and time on it. I'd be happy doing strictly skincare and makeup, but I've found that a lot of the places out there require doing all areas of esthetics.B18TEG said:just go with whatever you feel is right, something youve liked since you were a little kid that hasnt changed. whether its animals, kids, art, w/e . . .. . just do the damn thing. you cant always get the best of both worlds, you have to sacrifice either pay or happiness
Looked more into the earnings for teachers:
I was really leaning towards teaching preschoolers. That might be out of the question now.Median annual earnings of kindergarten, elementary, middle, and secondary school teachers ranged from $41,400 to $45,920 in May 2004; the lowest 10 percent earned $26,730 to $31,180; the top 10 percent earned $66,240 to $71,370. Median earnings for preschool teachers were $20,980
If I wasn't so squeamish when it comes to injuries, blood, and what not, I'd consider going into nursing or entertaining the doctor idea, but that's definitely not for me. I've considered being a veterinarian because I like animals, but I have the same problem there. It makes me really sad seeing animals hurt, too. Hahah I'm just gay like that, but whatever. Plus I could never put an animal down.
Right now I'm looking into Radiology. I hear the pay's alright, but I have to find out more. Will update.
See, that was my thought at first. I understand what you're saying. I want to like what I do, too. I mean, if I like what I'm doing, it should be enough, right? Then I think about my bills and stuff. All the shit I want to do, like buy a house, fix up the teg, etc. A bag of smiles and happiness isn't gonna get me my parts or a paint job, let alone a house. lol AHHHHHHHHHH! I'm so stressed. I don't know. I've been thinking about all this for the past week and I'm still not able to come up with anything. I mean I've eliminated some of the choices, but there are so many more out there that I just haven't even thought about, yet. :???: See, I'm not looking to become rich by any means (although it sure would be nice!). I'm looking for financial stability at a job I don't mind waking up to go to. I wouldn't mind being "well off" either. There has to be SOMETHING out there...teg9five said:just dont think about money. think of something you would like to do for free kind of. like if you never had to work... what would you do as a hobby to keep yourself occupied all day? thats what you should do for a career then. money isnt everything. itll buy you all kinds of shit but personally i would rather enjoy getting up and going to work everyday then to absolutely hate it and make an extra $30k a year as a doctor or something.