I want to go back to school, but I can't decide.


I want to go back to school. I'm not sure for what, though. Basically my Aesthetic license = shit. :( It's just sitting there collecting dust. Wasted too much money to figure out that's not what I want to do for the rest of my life. lol Ahhhh!! So if I choose something else this time, I'm just gonna stick with it...as in forever. Forever sure is a long time, though. That's probably why I'm having such a hard time choosing a career.

The loans I pulled out when I went back to school to get a license isn't helping much, either. I can either get a job to pay it all off now (no idea how long it'd take since that school costed me a pretty penny) or go back to school while I still can. I was told that my loans would get deferred if I decided to go back to school, though, so that helps. I just don't want to owe more and more from loans and school, ya know? :???:

I was looking into being a pharmacy tech, but they don't get paid as much as I'd like. Even when working in a hospital (which pays highest according to the Occupational Outlook Handbook), you're looking at $12-13/hr. being the median. I don't know how I feel about that. My other option is being a teacher since I have a patience for little kids. Preschool, kindergarten, or first grade (maybe). After that, those kids start mouthing off. I can see myself being a teacher because I do love kids, but I don't know how much fun I'd think they are after a few years. Haha I'm just afraid it'll be real stressful after a while.

I want a job with good pay, but I want to like it. I guess that's usually the problem. I was looking into other occupations, but I have yet to find one that interests me. Throw some ideas at me...


just go with whatever you feel is right, something youve liked since you were a little kid that hasnt changed. whether its animals, kids, art, w/e . . .. . just do the damn thing. you cant always get the best of both worlds, you have to sacrifice either pay or happiness


Unregistered User
Be a doctor. its just like working on a car, only nothing changes from model to model, and if something weird shows up, you just have to cut it out! lol


Super Moderator
If you are going to get even deeper into student loans, I would atleast do it for a job that pays good. Teacher is kind of cool because you work like 2/3 the year and get all the holidays but the pay sucks! I wouldn't dig myself deeper unless its going to get me a really good job. Unless you be a teacher and find a sugar daddy! Then you could do what you want, not have to work all the time, and not get paid much but it wouldn't matter :D


the lone outdoorsman
youre not the only one

Heald college = $19,500 not counting time i could have been working, and gas 80 miles per day
Business Software Applications Associates Degree - I work at a fuckin grocery store that hires anyone (people with a criminal record, no high school diploma or ged, etc)


New Member
nurse? i have couple of freinds that they go to nusre schools. or you can try out busniess? my sister goes to heald college.
or be a dentist?


the lone outdoorsman
MidniteFreedom said:
or you can try out busniess? my sister goes to heald college.
yeah shes gonna have fun with that one (see post above yours)


New Member
hahah well where i live heald is like only 15miles away. i think my sis taking some other program busniess school i dont think she taking Business Software Applications Associates Degree.


a.k.a. crabs!
just dont think about money. think of something you would like to do for free kind of. like if you never had to work... what would you do as a hobby to keep yourself occupied all day? thats what you should do for a career then. money isnt everything. itll buy you all kinds of shit but personally i would rather enjoy getting up and going to work everyday then to absolutely hate it and make an extra $30k a year as a doctor or something.

but maybe thats just because i come from a family thats isnt very wealthy and i would be perfectly fine with making 45-50k a year. though hopefully i should be making more than that :thumbs up


MoJoJoJo said:

yea right....
lol shut the fuck up, fag. if CI made an award for the biggest asshole ever, you'd win it...for more than one reason.


Honda / Acura Fanatic
mojo is my boy! yeah i dunno why go into more debt for something you might not want to do? If your ananstehsisttist however the hell you spell it, dont they get payed well?


yea u do, my gf was going for it til last month she's going for pharm now, she's a junior at UH....cant wait til she finish and go to med school so i can free load of her