i suggest....


The Transporter
IntegrasAreBest said:
c'mon mojo & speedin lets calm down. you guys are both great guys, just put that shit behind you.
im not mad at mojo. im just trying to get him to see that it was no more than a joke and he is over reacting "just a little."


seriously, what's with all the drama, guys? speedin said he did it jokingly (right or wrong, it was all in good fun to him). i'm pretty sure he didn't do it to really piss you off for real, kevin. yeah, he should have stopped when you asked him to, but he didn't. shit happens. now i'm not saying he was right for it, but what's with all the name calling and stuff? you've made your point and he made his. let it go, guys. you two are both adults.


blah watever i'll drop it now lol, i just made about bunch of comments in other threads before i read this thread...but oh well...but joke a is joke...i mean i throw punches and u and u throw punches at me...but its a different story when u involve ur mod powers into it....i mean i do this with scott and he's a fucking admin. he doesnt abuse his powers
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The Transporter
MoJoJoJo said:
blah watever i'll drop it kno lol, i just made about bunch of comments in other threads before i read this thread...but oh well...but joke a is joke...i mean i throw punches and u and u throw punches at me...but its a different story when u involve ur mod powers into it....i mean i do this with scott and he's a fucking admin. he doesnt abuse his powers
i was far from ABUSING. yes i did push them. but in a very comical no harm intended pun of a way. not at all a negative thing if i can get the members to chuckle at it. not even like they think you wrote those things. and the things i changed were so minor. in one case all i did was change how you insulted me in a post to something positive. now let it DIE


okay, so are you guys gonna kiss and make up now that everything's cleared up?