i registered here LONG time ago, and somehow, this is my first thread (PICS INSIDE)


Resident G2 Guru of C-I
only reason i want them is because, if you think about it. the "molding" on the bumpers is relatively thin, then you get to the side of the car and the molding is like an inch thick. IMO it just smooths out the side of the car a bit. makes it "flow" a little better. and actually, there are a bunch of people i know that don't like em. i was one of them at one point. i'm goin for a clean as hell look.


Resident G2 Guru of C-I
thanks fellas. anyone else.
if anyone wants them, i have LOTS of other pictures lol, just ask ANYONE on G2IC.com, there are like 299376155839308373901-0823.09'er.5 pics of my car there lol.