I gotta see if I lucked out or not

Alright guys I'm planning on going boost one if these days and I was going through old car parts my buddy has and came across this Chrysler turbo that was on those mini vans in the 80s we got the talking about it and he was just gonna scrap it after telling me it was rebuilt and never used so he gave it to me for free now my question is could in some way fit this on my Teg ill post pics and you guys let me know what you think


No fucks given.
Do you know what year and exactly what car it came from is? Chrysler's Turbo engine (actual name of the motor) came in 4 different variations (Turbo I, Turbo II, etc.), different years had different size turbos.
There's a date stamped into it and its 8/23/84 and sorry no i don't know what model it came from guy used to fix old chrysler wrecks so it coulda came off of anything

could i make this thing work right in a teg? also any ieas how much horsepwer this will make its a .42 trim i think i know it depends on alot of things just a ball park figure?


Not a M0derator
Looks ultra tiny, Id say 50hp increase max.
I dont think its worth the time and money to make it work.