I am Hopeful no more...

DC2 Hopeful

New Member
Yeah, I'm definitely just gonna get some emblems (though I'm afraid of takin off the acura ones, don't wanna chip anything since I don't know what I'm doin). Other than that, I may or may not get a type r spoiler, I kinda like the low look of the gsr one, but maybe, they're both awesome.


New Member
here are a couple pics of my car with a type r spoile,r my girlfriend got it for me at spoilerdirect.com
It comes factory painted.

DC2 Hopeful

New Member
Spoiler Depot, yeah. My only objection is that I need to spend my money carefully. I need to get an alarm and the RnRs and that's all of my money (since I also have to pay off the teg). Next summer and maybe this coming school year will be better money wise and I can get one, cuz it looks hot in that last pic.


New Member
Well bro I am sure you'll go about it rigght...$hit bro your first car at age 16 and its a GSR......you did good man. I'm 20 and you have a faster car than me.


The Transporter
hum already has a Si and a GSR, all at 16. well u must be rich :) ! **pulls pockets inside out** :( , spare a penny for a poor man?

DC2 Hopeful

New Member
Yeah, my parents basically gave me 12k for a car and now I have a job, so I can pay a little more (assuming my Si brings 11,5 or so). And if that seems like some steep prices, it's cuz I live in New Mexico where integras turn heads like crazy and even LSs are rare. That and my Si is stock (took my intake off). *sniff* I'm gonna miss my brand new Kumho's :(

Ominous G2

I wish i had 12k. Thats amazing to hear somewhere that tegs are rare. Also a b18c will make up for the kumhos.


The Transporter
DC2 Hopeful said:
Yeah, I'm definitely just gonna get some emblems (though I'm afraid of takin off the acura ones, don't wanna chip anything since I don't know what I'm doin).
here is a LINKY . and this will make it real easy to get them off! :D


Anti Rice, Yet anti JDM
i agree with child im not a H emblem fan, but if you put honda instead of acura it will look a bit more decent.