I am Hopeful no more...

DC2 Hopeful

New Member
Hey everyone, I am the proud new owner of a 2000 white gsr. Man is it awesome ^_^ I can get better pictures tomorrow if anyone wants to see more.



The Transporter
:welcome: , but yea lets see more. those shots are real bad (not u or anything, its just to dark outside). the interior is like a black blur

DC2 Hopeful

New Member
Yeah, it was about an hour drive to get it back here so it was dark when we got back, just thought I'd take some quick pics, but I'll get better ones tomorrow. I'm just so excited to finally have a teg ^_^


The Transporter
yea, your lucky to find one! nice to see you are excited to own a teg (who would'nt be?)

DC2 Hopeful

New Member
Wash and better pics...still the same crappy camera though...

And cleatus, I love your teg, white with red emblems is hot.


New Member
nice car man ;) looks like itsin pretty good shape (the outer part at least ;) )

good luck with it u planning on tuning (engine or looks?)

greetz sis

DC2 Hopeful

New Member
Yeah, I added the mods I wanna do in my sig, I may or may not go turbo, I'm not sure yet. I think N/A but my friend thinks a turbo would be better to compete with WRXs. Besides, a turbo would be a good chunk of money.
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sweweeeet!!! yea cleatus just go ta type-r spoiler from spoilerdepot it looks sweet, you should put one on yours.


New Member
DC2 Hopeful said:
And cleatus, I love your teg, white with red emblems is hot.
Thanks bro.....you should get some too ...hit up Ebay bro ...they're like 10 bucks with shippin. Anyways man your new car is clean as shit. By the way I love your engine man.(lol)