How much should I offer for Si wheels


New Member
He says there over getting refinished because the clear was starting to peel, and he's selling them as soon as he gets them back from the shop, but he won't give me a price instead says.. "What are the wheels worth to you?" or "how much are you willing to pay for these? Just wondering what price range you are willing to spend on them..."

He won't give me an answer or a price..

********Wheels only, no tires***********

How much should I offer?


Well-Known Member
How much do you want to pay for them? lol, its not that hard of a question. They are worth like 300-350, maybe more/less depending on where you are. I wouldnt pay any more than 350 because they arent going to come with tires. 350 may be stretching it a bit too.

Also, you used the word "there" where you should have used "they're" or "they are"


i-VTEC do you?
I agree, it all depends on how much you really want to spend/ how much you think those rims are really worth.


New Member
My friend was gonna sell me a set of si wheels for $150 with tires I would have bought them but had no cash. si wheels are fairly common not rare by any means I'd say $250 being refinnished.


New Member
he's telling me it's costing him 250$ to refinish them so he's gonna probably be looking for a lot lol....


New Member
I love the si wheels but yeah I'm not paying a lot for them... if i was to dish out that money I would buy gt3's feather's or heliums!

I'll see what else he has to say :p


New Member
now the dude is telling me there not even at the shop getting refinished and if i want them like they are, to offer... just from him bullshitting i think i shoudl tell him to fuck himself


Just call me chris.
i paid 130 shipped for mine. just needed the paint stripped off then so all in all it cost me 150 bucks shipped for good shape just rims. now if you go the polish root like i am its gonna cost you time and some sandpaper

Ominous G2

he's telling me it's costing him 250$ to refinish them so he's gonna probably be looking for a lot lol....
That guy is remedial, $250 is a decent price for the wheels. $300 if they are mint, I might be cheap though. :shock: