

New Member
Ive already had my si stole and stripped! Cops called and said they found my car, went to the impound and it literaly made me trow up to see how dirty they did y car. But thats a curse of having a nice car.


New Member
Originally Posted by Caddy
Ive already had my si stole and stripped! Cops called and said they found my car, went to the impound and it literaly made me trow up to see how dirty they did y car. But thats a curse of having a nice car.
Man that totally sucks. I know the feeling of getting your car stolen, my teg was stolen a few months ago and it was the worst feeling ever! All i could think about is who the hell took my car and what theyre doing to it. That same day i went out for a while to look for it with some buddies of mine along with a hammer. I was ready to smash someones face. lol ..Having to wait for a phone call from the officer is frustrating as shit! Luckily, they found my car and it was not stripped, just a few minor things stolen-- such as my stereo. Hell as long as i got my car as a whole! We literally have to pay to get our cars stolen. (tow truck,storage, and replacement of things we get stolen besides the car) Now im always on the look out and as everyone stated--paranoid. haha. I just bought a viper 350 plus alarm that i will install this week! I also need some kill switches..hmm..:p


Well-Known Member
I can. I have full coverage. I certainly wouldnt get all that I have put into the car, but it wouldnt be as bad as some of you guys with your insurance.

Sure it would suck to have a car stolen, but am I going to stop living just because it might or does? no.
