home paintjob pics


New Member
i wanted to paint everything white except the exhaust ill paint thinner it out. i want the mud flaps white cuz i though it would look cool but i mite take the white off and make it black. proly go wit the panda look.lol thanks for all the feedback and keep them comin imma take your guys feedback and try to ake it look better.


New Member
thanks you want me to paint your car tho. ill do i aint trippin need a garage to do it in tho. we could paint it in your backyard under the lil tent you got

gay. you stole my rims.

naw really looks clean just shoulda taken the mudflaps off. i like the sidemarkers too, good job. wanna do my del sol?? maybe over winter break, im thinking about driving back.


Yolo Whippin'
looks clean jacky!!!!!!!!!!! cant wait to see this in a few weeks!


Wait... What?
i guess you got happy with the spray gun huh?


New Member
i know prep is important. i did prep it sanded down to factory primer. had primer to spray but didnt. i covered everything cept for the exahaust and one wheel but switched the newspaper i used to cover from another wheel tho. i ran out of newspaper so i didnt have anything for the exahaust. ill take the paint off the exaust later on this week tho. took like almost 2 hours to cover the windows. lol thanks for the feedback

prep is the most important part!


New Member
yea i saved a lot of money painting it myself. i just borrowed my friends compressor, sander, and paint gun. i bought only piant, sandpaper,paintthinner, and tape. also a lot of news paper. the cost was like 150 tho but you can do it cheaper. all depends on where you get your stuff

Looks good.I'm considering painting my Intergra myself too. .Save myself some money!