high or low compression??


New Member
damn that sucks...lol i guess i gotta start looking for a new motor then. by the way if you guys dont mind me asking how are the jdm spoon motors??


Wait... What?
no. A four cylinder engine is not going to give any exciting torque numbers... ever


u want decent torque...



New Member
i was thinking of useing the h22 out of my old 99 prelude sh or maybe keeping the same motor thats in the teg.... idk yet but thanks for everyones info.... and if there is any more suggestions of info on this subject that would be great thanks


New Member
you said you have $3k in the motor? could you elaborate....


I <3 2.4l's
i love people who dont know shit before they open their mouths. We all know a honda wont make impressive TQ numbers but there are alot of other 4 cyl. engines that make alot or it. Im pretty sure my 97 2.4 n/a neon makes around 160tq..that still alot higher than most honda engines produce.