high or low compression??


New Member
is it better to have high or low compression when turboing my teg?? and whats better a turbo or supercharger??


Super Moderator
I believe it reduces the chance of detonation and allows for a less precise tune.


I <3 2.4l's
bc if you put high compression pistons in the engine and then throw some boost on it. that ALOT of pressure..it wont last long unless..with a great tune it can be done, and has been done. Low compression, is just better.


New Member
the reason i asked was bc my friends teg has so much compression he actully had to re drill out his head bolts and more to tighten up everything bc the head seperated from the block while he was running a 9.6 in a quater mile on a na motor... thank you for all your help and i hope to be turboing my car within this coming year...


Unregistered User
better for what?

for power? High

for the motor lasting longer then 2 weeks? You want low...
Greg is right, with positive pressure being pushed into the cylinder rather then negative being pulled, you'll have WAY more fuel and air in that cylinder then you'll need. Then having a high compression piston trying to push against the already positive pressure your engine will start burning the mixture before the spark plug fires.

That = bad.


New Member
really i didnt know that... is there a way to get all the power from high compression but with having lower compression.... bc i heard that the dark eagle block kit and the forged pistons and rings with sleal sleeves are fine to have high compression with a turbo is this ture or what would you guys recomend and is it better to have a 300 hp high compression na motor, or a 300 hp low compression turbo motor?? and what is the difference?? thank you again for everyones help


Unregistered User
well... I mean crazy insane power with high compression.

I'm going to be running like 9:1 on my build and aiming for 250 hp.

When I think of high compression I'm thinking like 12:1 and greater. you can run high compression if you really want to, but with boost it's not really a good idea. with a really good tune, and someone that knows what they're doing it can be done, but that's when you hit hella power.

If you're only aiming for 300, that's easily do-able with low compression and boost.

a 300hp NA honda is not streetable, nor easy. it'll idle like ass, and be loud as fuck.

Boost > n/a IMO

n/a is bad ass if you can do it, but boost is where the easy power is at.


New Member
my friends teg is at 370 hp to the crank and about low 300 lbs of torque out of a na motor.... but he had to put a lot of money in it to do so.... i dont have anywhere as close of money as he has to put in it and this is his 4th time rebuilding his ls motor and i dont really want to rebuild my car every year like he does.....lol but anyways could i have a high compression motor with a supercharger?? bc a friend of mine wants to sell me his supercharger for cheap after he just put a turbo in his civic and i really want to bring out the power in my motor....


Super Moderator
Keep in mind that running a lower compression and just a hair more boost you can achieve the same cylinder pressure, just at a lower temperature. The higer compression combined with a turbo helps off boost response and spool time but at the expense of temperatures and engine fragility and sensitivity


New Member
ok... so how much more lag does the supercharger have on a turbo besides that i would be running another pulley?? bc the way i want my car is to have a lot of torque between 1500 rpms and 6000 rpms bc of the lag that it has or if i cant get that i might want to do the ls/vtec conversion... what would you recommend for me?? if i was to supercharge the teg then would i have to get everything that i would need for a turbo such as pistons, ring and ect?? agian thank you for your info and help


Wait... What?
your torque isn't going to be anywhere near 1500 rpms with a b18. If you want low end torque, buy a different car. There are different reasons to do all of the things you mentioned. You need to sit down and decide on a power goal then come post and we'll help you think of what would be the best way for you to get there. There's no point in us educating you on every way possible to get power out of an integra. Thats what the search button is for.


New Member
the reason why i ask is that i already put over $3000 into the motor and everyone told me that this is the best motor for torque... i dont know much about imports and this site so that is why im asking.