New Member
Oh I forgot to mention I was handed a warning not a ticket 
Sent from my Samsung Focus using Board Express
Sent from my Samsung Focus using Board Express
you need to search on the internet yourself. when i was pulled over for having yellow foglights on my maxima, i looked online and found out that it wasnt specified that yellow lights were illegal, so i printed out two copies and put it in my glove box, but i demodded the car and sold itWell sticking HID's into the stock housings isn't illegal in Texas (at least the DMV couldn't find any law on it when I called) but it is annoying as f*** for the oncoming traffic I'm just gonna aim them down a bit. As much as it may piss peeps here off at least most of you live else where so you don't have to worry about crossing my obnoxiously bright lights
Sent from my Samsung Focus using Board Express
Your night vision won't improve much... They will scatter everywhere.i have stock bulbs in my ebay crystal 1 pc headlights and there not brite at all if i put HIDs in will they be brighter or will they still be the same cuz of the reflectors it the headlights them selfs?