Hi board.


New Member

I browse lots of boards. Usually when I need help, well I find my answer most of the time -- other times however, I do not. I decided to bite the bullet and choose ONE forum to make an account on, this one seemed the most legit' by far. So I just wanted to stop in and say what's up. I own a 98 Acura Integra LS, 95 front, it's mostly stock besides a few small things and a GSR trans. Never in my life did I ever think I'd own an Integra (I used to think they were ugly) but until I got into a freak accident and wrecked/totaled my eg, I got a STEAL on this car I couldn't pass up. Let's just say it's a completely different looking car now, haha.

Any questions, go ahead and ask.

Thanks for having me. :D



Registered Teg Driver
Welcome Ben! Thanks for choosing CI! Post up some pictures of your car man!

Sent from my iPhone 10 using Tapatalk


User that is Registered
cool, another Ben!

From my experiences, this seems to be the most social/friend-making forum. Team-Integra has great DIY's and How-to articles. Definitely check them out for those kinds of things.

Anyway, welcome to the club, sounds like you got a pretty good deal. Where are you from?


New Member
cool, another Ben!

From my experiences, this seems to be the most social/friend-making forum. Team-Integra has great DIY's and How-to articles. Definitely check them out for those kinds of things.

Anyway, welcome to the club, sounds like you got a pretty good deal. Where are you from?
Ben's seem rare so that's pretty cool. I seem to stumble upon TI frequently when Googling solutions.

Anyhow, I'm from Central PA.


welcome. don't let the long term a-holes steer you away. they do it to everyone ;)

Congrats on the purchase, but at the same time, sorry to hear about your accident


Active Member
welcome. don't let the long term a-holes steer you away. they do it to everyone ;)

Congrats on the purchase, but at the same time, sorry to hear about your accident
Don't let this guy lie to you. He's just mad we don't give him the D ;)

But :welcome: CI is actually a really good small tight knit community. If you're cool and active (so we don't forget who you are), people will offer lots of help. But just expect some jokes if you ask a stupid question :lol: