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hiatus is over. i'm back!
SxySlammedTeggy said:
ew fish... EW FISH i HATE fish specially raw fish :shivers:
aw don't hate, it's not good for you. i used to dislike sushi until last year, when i tried some really good sushi for the first time and mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm i can't get enough of it now


New Member
I feel better since I was given some love..........I'm trying to figur how you are thinking of sushi when you were talking about affection.........You're a weird guy Anfrey.............but I guess we are all weird in our own way......


hiatus is over. i'm back!
DownShift96GSR said:
I feel better since I was given some love..........I'm trying to figur how you are thinking of sushi when you were talking about affection.........You're a weird guy Anfrey.............but I guess we are all weird in our own way......
it would be so horrible to not be weird. . . and so similar to everyone else..

i've always been the friendly/affectionate weirdo/freak/etc. my whole life... i coudln't imagine being the same as everyone else... freak = weird = different = good

there's been times when i meet someone, and i feel like i've met 100 other ppl..