Help Pickin Paint Color


when are you getting the teg painted?


Unregistered User
tangello!!! lol

One of my friends is into the whole rice picture and wants his cavi to be that color.


CI Transfomer God!
yeah........... back to the Carbon Grey Pearl, I need to find a paint code, I will drive up to Acura today to get it, only b/c I pass it on the way to lethel injection


>>>Honda Enthusiast<<<
hmmm... now i got ideas on painting my b16a2 cover.... candy apple red? cause you know how i do.... candy paint drippin... along with them pearls... lol :thumbs up

Ominous G2

still pushin amazon green. See the ridgeline and pilot.

Also the blue that comes on the evo is sexy, this is the one i want.