Hello from ClubCivic!


New Member
Hey guys, what's up. Yes, I know the routine, so I'll get to it. My name is Jake and I'm from Nebraska.

As the title says, i'm from ClubCivic (Username there is 00_Civic_Ex) because I used to own a '00 MR EJ8. Well, that car only lasted a little bit over a year, and then I got rear ended by a girl on her phone :roll:

Anyways, I'm looking into buying a '98 Red Integra. It's located in Des Moines, and I was wondering what I should be looking for in Integras.(Rust spots, wear and tear, common problems.. ect)

Thanks guys, I shall be enjoying my stay and being active.


Registered Abuser
we need a sticky on this...hmmm

wheel well rust (thats any vehicle)
wet spots (passenger floorboard, trunk) - leaks that are common
check the lowest spots of the car and see if there is any scraping from riding low
check the header for cracks, especially if its painted
make sure everything in the center console is operational and in good condiiton
double check windows speed and smoothness

thats what comes to mind for me. do you have a link to the car?


Senior Ricer
Make sure the timing belt and water pump have been replaced recently, your in a world of hurt if it hasn't been.

And all i can see that car needing is a spark plug covert