Head change


That pretty much sums it up though. You can't just "slap it on" as you will have all kinds of issues and probably blow something up in no time whatsoever. Do it right or don't do it at all. Look to spend $1000 or all said and done. (Unless you get a smoking deal on some parts.) It can be done cheaper, but buying all parts for a first timer would probably be pretty spendy..


New Member
That pretty much sums it up though. You can't just "slap it on" as you will have all kinds of issues and probably blow something up in no time whatsoever. Do it right or don't do it at all. Look to spend $1000 or all said and done. (Unless you get a smoking deal on some parts.) It can be done cheaper, but buying all parts for a first timer would probably be pretty spendy..
I was only curious because I saw a b18c head for a bill on Craigslist. If I'm dropping 1k ill go ahead and drop
2k for a low mileage b18c1.


New Member
That makes no sense. You would spend 1k less to have initially the same motor.
Makes sense to me. Lsv's are hit and miss. You're playing around with a different rod stroke and makeshift lubrication. 1k more for a genuine Gsr I'd say do it. The Gsr will have higher compression and make more power off the bat. Lsv's are great because they make power and they're cheap but they also aren't the most reliable thing in the whole either.


New Member
That pretty much sums it up though. You can't just "slap it on" as you will have all kinds of issues and probably blow something up in no time whatsoever. Do it right or don't do it at all. Look to spend $1000 or all said and done. (Unless you get a smoking deal on some parts.) It can be done cheaper, but buying all parts for a first timer would probably be pretty spendy..
1 grand? Try 2500-3500 depending on prices ITR tranny's aren't cheap lol. Thats for everything with prices from like 2009 xD

http://honda-tech.com/showthread.php?t=1812388 (I realize its not exactly same but its similar in ways)


New Member
Wtf? You can easily do an Ls/vtec for 1k. I read that thread, lots of excessive and not needed parts.
And when did we start talking about trannys?

Well I suppose you could if you don't care for longevity and LS tranny more than likely wont hold up that's why people swap it to a GSR or ITR one but its not my build just recommendations


New Member
Well I suppose you could if you don't care for longevity and LS tranny more than likely wont hold up that's why people swap it to a GSR or ITR one but its not my build just recommendations
Ls trannys hold up to Ls/vtec quite well. I threw an Ls on my ctr for daily driving; destroyed the sycnros in about a year but that was probably a lot to do with my driving


Active Member
Well I suppose you could if you don't care for longevity and LS tranny more than likely wont hold up that's why people swap it to a GSR or ITR one but its not my build just recommendations
They don't swap em cuz they can't hold up dude.....They swap the cuz the other trannys have more desireable gearing.... And the cool part about lsv, in "stock" form they have HP pretty close to gsr numbers, and more torque..


New Member
None of this matters, I think I'll just purchase me a b16a when one pops up on Craigslist.