

Altered Image
Why is it that when a chick comes along (thats ase certified) and knows more about cars than half the guys on here does she get so many haters and bad emails about how i kno nothing...listen guys...cars rnt jus for guys so get over it...and yes...ther will be girls out ther that will know more about cars than u do...so accept that fact. Dont like it? Get certified like me. Enjoy ur day...let the hater posts begin...


New Member
i wouldnt even bother worrying about it if i were you..just the typical stereotype ya kno. i personally dont mind having other people know more than me, gives me someone to go to for help :p


Honestly, it's probably the way you carry yourself here. It seems like you are advertising yourself in most occasions, not your knowledge and love of cars :twocents:


Altered Image
Lol im not worried...all the publicity i got on this cite actually had me noticed by a guy who owns a pretty big transmission shop here in ct and offered me 7$ more than what im makin now to go work for him...i hav my interview next week...


New Member
Lol im not worried...all the publicity i got on this cite actually had me noticed by a guy who owns a pretty big transmission shop here in ct and offered me 7$ more than what im makin now to go work for him...i hav my interview next week...
haha o dang thats tight congrats on that that


Altered Image
Thanks alot...ive been in school for almost 4 yrs now...and now that my student loans r jus about 80,000...the sec i got ase cert the job offers started pouring in...for a 23 yr old makin 24.50 an hour isnt bad...flate rate is amazing


New Member
sounds real good i had no idea u would start off at that much.. haha now i wanna get certified also


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Ive been with rhe same job since i was 19...started off at only 12 an hour...over the years i was given an advance to 17.50 an hr...now im workin flat rate , not hourly...and if that guy hires me for 7$ more hourly ill be up to 24.50...id still rather b flat rate but im not complaining


New Member
o ok still better than what i be making tho, plus getting paid to work on cars sounds fun.. haha then again i have a hard time just fixing my own car

Jack Rot

New Member
keep in mind most integra owners are 16-19 year old little ghetto-fied douchebags that swear they can modify an LS to be a type-R. lol, i'd say ignore the suckers and let them take their cars to bo-bo mechanics that will rip them off, or attempt to change their own pistons!

I dont know a whole LOT on mechanics, but more than my friends so thats helping me get by!

my 08si should soon be gone and im hopefully bringing a 99' GSR baby girl home.


Altered Image
The pcv valve could simply need replacing...best thing to do...if u know what ur doing...is to CAREFULLY take it off...be careful for the gromet and the brittle plastic tubing...and clean it with carb cleaner...if that doesnt work buy a new one for 4$...i gotta get to school ill check in later


New Member
The pcv valve could simply need replacing...best thing to do...if u know what ur doing...is to CAREFULLY take it off...be careful for the gromet and the brittle plastic tubing...and clean it with carb cleaner...if that doesnt work buy a new one for 4$...i gotta get to school ill check in later
well its actually an lsvtec motor so idk if that could be why also. ill try that when i get home today. some shop told me it could be my piston rings, could it be that also?