Hasport Motor Mount help!


New Member
What's up guys! Been a while. Update on how my build is going: Engine died on me in July. It was a combination of a piston ring going bad, and my dizzy taking a crap. So I decided eh what the hell, I'll build it for some mild boost! Went with CP forged pistons, Manley rods, CSS block guard, lots of other parts too much to list! Anyway, got the engine back from the shop that did the rebuild, and I'm mounting it back into my car (DC2). I purchased Hasport Motor mounts through this shop. Thing is, Hasport recently changed the way their drivers side DC2 B series mount is made. It used to use the stock studs on the engine mount. This is what everyone told me (as the kit did NOT come with instructions). Well, got the drivers side mount on and there's a gap between the Hasport mount and the engine mount, caused by where the studs flare and get bigger (pic in next post, typing this on my PC, pic is on my phone). After talking with Hasport and finding out they changed the design to use three allen head bolts that they supplied with the kit, I went back to my engine and I have no idea how to get the stock studs out. I assume they unscrew because the new bolts have to thread into the stock mount, but I can't get them to come out. Any ideas??


New Member
I did. They just told me to remove them. Didn't give me a description of how to do it.

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New Member
I figured it out. Put two nuts on top of one another and used a wrench on the bottom one. Came right out.

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New Member
I realized that after the fact lol. They literally just changed the design, and did not provide instructions.

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New Member
You don't need instructions. Logic would say if it don't work one way, turn it around and try it again.


The other asshole
Logic? Like common sense? How dare you come in here with that shit. :lol:


New Member
Logic would also say provide instructions for someone who hasn't installed these before, but they didn't think about that either ;)

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The other asshole
Typically the manufacturers of high performance engine/car parts assume the person buying them knows what he/she is doing. :lol:


Yolo Whippin'
or look at the one you took out and place it the same way. OEM has a cut out for the 14mm bolt. that other one has a cut out too.