half jdm/ half usdm


Goes Vroom in the Night
I never could find the thread on TI.... but in defense of Andy, he didn't take credit for the first few.. but in defense of nighthawk thats fair game between you two on the last one, he says a buddy did the first ones which Andy is way active on TI so I'm sure that his buddy is Herooftheday.
Ok, here's a screenshot of the original PSD on my computer with all layers intact lol

Again...LAME to do that to someone's work. Sorry for griping...that sorta thing just strikes a nerve with working graphic designers :(.
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Jointhe Wingless Movement
I understand, and I believed you I was just saying it was on the one pic not all of them... if someone copied me or took cred for it I would be griping too


Josh is correct I do know herpoftheday, he actually showed me the pic in the ti chat, and i told him about how he needed a ukdm touch( I can show you the chat log ,if you want), hell im a ukdm junkie and think every teg needs a uk part, even if its ps. When I saw the thread on ti, i never looked hard enough at the screen names to know who was posting the pictures, i figured he just created them all,(thats what i get for amusing) im sorry if it took any offense to you man I wasn trying to take any credit for the pics, nor would I, but i just thought some people on CI might like to see the good ps work. That is all...